Thursday, 6 June 2013

Green crafting, green child care....more on being green.

Here's the thing: I spent 1.5 hours looking at various green websites this morning. Like being a kid in a sweetshop! All these wonderful things going on. What rock have I been living under for the last 10 years?
I don't have the time to write properly about it all but I came across a website about green weddings, crafting with an ecoflavour, and some pretty amazing websites I'll need to go back to.
So I followed them on Twitter.
Just opening up the themes really.
Children should play outside more.
We should walk, eat less meat, switch off and unplug from our devices.
Use old books as journals.
Be a saver, not a waster.
Is it greener to have goods delivered than to go to a shop?
I must admit my mind is in quite a whirl and I could be too overwhelmed to do anything at all.
The article that send me off on this particular treasure hunt was this:

This site is about being green with a "crafty" twist. I am not a  Crafty person but I love it that other people are. And it would be great to try out something simple to do with my hands.

Another great article I came across, to do with raising children in a more natural way, was about making sure they get outside every day and aren't constantly plugged into computers. This I feel strongly about.

Note to self: don't rush this! Rome wasn't built in a day. What tiny thing could I do today to be a little more green?  

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